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Vtiwari (talk | contribs)
Kbhargava (talk | contribs)
Creating a page for the pipeline where we will have instructions to run the entire pipeline.
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===[[FLASHXnet on Summit]]===
===[[FLASHXnet on Summit]]===
===[[FLASH - TORCH - SUPERNU Pipeline]]===


Revision as of 12:30, 10 September 2020

Welcome to the Fisher Group Wiki!

An artist's rendition of the protoplanetary disk surrounding a young star. An artist's rendition of the single-degenerate model of Type Ia Supernovae, before and after.(ESO)

Wiki Organization

This top-level page structures the Wiki into major topics of current research within the group. Please do not add to this page directly, but instead drill down to the next level to begin editing your area of research. To learn more about editing pages, please see the page About the Fisher Group Wiki.

--Robert Fisher 09:47, 10 June 2010 (UTC)

Tutorials / Computer Systems

Reference Materials

Star Formation Research

Astrochemical Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds

Brown Dwarf Desert

Numerical Analysis of the Jeans Instability

Turbulence in Giant Molecular Clouds

Determing Stellar Multiplicity Criteria at the Molecular Cloud Core Scale from Simulations of Supersonic, Self-Gravitational Isothermal Turbulence

Supernovae/White Dwarf Research

Background Reading

Dark Energy

White Dwarfs

MESA White Dwarf Type Ia Progenitors

Rotating White Dwarf Progenitor Models for Type Ia Supernovae

Turbulent Detonation Conditions for Type Ia Supernovae

Single Degenerate Model for Type Ia Supernovae

Double Degenerate Model for Type Ia Supernovae

Magnetized White Dwarf Mergers

Type Iax Supernovae

Setting Up a Double Degenerate Merger Simulation with Gadget-2

Double Detonation Model for Type Ia Supernovae

Gravitational Waves from Single-Degenerate Channel of Type Ia Supernovae

Semi-Analytic Model of Deflagration Phase of Turbulent Nuclear Burning in Type Ia Supernovae

Effect of Varying Progenitor Central Density in Single-Degenerate Scenario

Radiative Transfer Modeling of Type Ia Supernovae

Debris Disk White Dwarf Systems

Rotating Nuclear-Burning White Dwarfs

Supernova Remnants

Single Degenerate Model for Type Ia Supernovae: GCD

Nucleosynthetic Yields with the FLASH + Torch pipeline

Creating White Dwarf profiles

Supernova Spectra and Light Curves

Supernova Spectra Analysis

Analysis of the Propeller Regime of White Dwarf Merger

Binary Population Synthesis of SNe Ia

D6 Simulation Notes

FLASHXnet on Summit



Progenitor study of Supernova remnant 3C397

Light Curves and Spectra of Type Ia Supernovae using SuperNu

Other Transients

White Dwarf TDEs


Binary Black Holes

Numerical Methods Research


Visualization and System Administration

Touch Interface Visualizations

Proposal Development



UMass Dartmouth Administration


Teaching Resources